10 Factors Why Outsourcing is the Best Job Security

Many people dream of having the autonomy of freelancing, but cite job security as being the thing that keeps them from leaving their job. Often, in that conversation, they’ll use a phrase like “especially in this economy.”
That’s simply wrong. In this economy, the greatest asset you have is your talent.
It’s not that complicated, really. If you’re talented at what you do, and there’s a need for that talent, then you’ll always be able to find work. The end.
The truth is, whether you have a long-term job at a big company or work for yourself as a freelancer, you should always anticipate the coming of times when you might have less work and income than you’d like. In fact, the best way to prevent that is to always expect it.
Of course, you’ll need to be able to demonstrate your talent. If you can do that, then there will always be people who will want you to do work for them.
If you are also personable, enjoy meeting new people, and have some basic social skills, then freelancing can offer you greater job security than any job ever could.
Still don’t believe me?
Okay, here’s 10 reasons why.
1. You Will Grow

One of the best ways to develop your skills is by working with the most talented people you can find.
When you work for a company, your influence over who might be sitting in the cubicle next to you might be marginal, at best. When you’re a freelancer, you can choose to work with talented people — and avoid wasting your life’s precious time babysitting negative problem-makers.
2. You Do Better Work

Too often in corporate culture, projects stagnate because of poor leadership, internal politics, death by committee, or just the flat-out apathy that can develop when employees aren’t empowered to overcome obstacles.
As a freelancer, your next job is only as good as the last work you did. So you’re always motivated to perform at your best and to find ways to get people to work together, because you care more about how the finished work will reflect on your personal brand.
3. You Have a Better Ability to Control Your Income

If you’re doing great work, growing profits, and winning business for a company, you may or may not get the recognition you deserve. (Here’s a secret: companies only hire employees so they can use them to make a profit.)
When you freelance, you have the ability to give yourself a raise at any time. Simply raise your rates! When you land that big contract, you will profit from it.
That’s much better than having all your efforts going to earn your boss another quarterly bonus, right?
4. You Create a Stronger Network of Contacts

As a freelancer, you’re constantly meeting and interacting with new people, both online and in the real world.
If you’re in a static corporate career, you may not think about networking until you lose your job. Then, it can be tough to ramp-up quickly, join groups, and meet new people.
On the other hand, freelancers are always building and maintaining a stable of contacts. These contacts can include recruiters, past coworkers, friends, and other professional peers.
If you had to bet, who do you think would be able to find work quicker when in a bind — the careerist or the freelancer?
5. You Can’t Be a Whiner or Complainer

It’s not unusual for companies to bring contract workers in when a project has already fallen behind on timing or there’s a resource bind. It happens all the time.
As an employee, it’s easy to point fingers and criticize your clients and fellow coworkers. Freelancing forces you to be more solutions-oriented, behave in a more stand-up manner, and take a more rational approach.
This helps to win admiration from your clients and to attract more business.
After all, no one wants to work with a complainer.
6. You Become a More Progressive Worker and Less Reactionary

Company corridors can be a difficult place to inspire change. Things are done in a certain way, because…well, that’s the way it’s always been done.
If you, or your company, have a just-collect-a-paycheck and don’t-fix-it-if-it-ain’t-broke attitude, you’re going to get left behind as markets change and technology advances.
Freelancers get exposed to a diverse assortment of ideas, business models, workflow processes, and technologies. This helps you to stay fresh and on the cutting-edge of the best practices in your field.
It also makes you more adept at navigating your business through changing markets while producing relevant, progressive work.
7. You Will Be More Well-Rounded

Working for a company can mean having a very narrow and limited job focus. You are just a cog in the big machine.
When you run your own business, you don’t just do the creative work. You are also your own account person, your own operations manager, your own finance director, your own HR department, and so on.
Wearing many different hats gives you greater appreciation for other people, and the challenges they face in doing their jobs. This helps you to engage in deeper conversations with these people, pick-up tips to apply to your own business, and grow your network of contacts.
Plus, having a broad background and a well-rounded assortment of skills makes you more valuable and insightful as a contractor.
8. You Will Be a Better Negotiator

Most people are limited in their experience with negotiations. They only negotiate when they buy a house or car, or get offered a new job. Because of that, negotiating is often a very stressful and frustrating experience for them. As a result, they may fold their position too early due to nerves, or come across as too pushy or aggressive when they become overly adrenalized.
The freelance life leads to ongoing negotiations of time, rates, scope, and roles. As a result, you’ll become more savvy and less emotionally attached when you negotiate something.
You’ll become a regular Donald Trump in no time at all.
9. You’ll Be in a More Strategic Position

The idea that any real job security exists is a complete illusion. Ask any former GM employee or newspaper journalist what they think about the concept.
Job security used to mean getting a cushy job with a big company. But now, big companies have become vulnerable in the face of economic downturns and emerging new media.
You’re better off if you can operate your own small, nimble, cheetah-like business, rather than a large lumbering elephant. Cheetah-like business have fast reflexes and can respond quickly. Elephant enterprises appear stronger, but are slower to respond.
Plus, they have more competitors focused on taking them down.
10. You Will Be Happier

Freelancing isn’t all fun and games. You probably won’t be running through fields of lavender singing with your clients. It can be challenging and very stressful. But, at the end of the day, you’re your own boss and you can choose how you want to approach things from both a work and ethical perspective.
As far as I can tell, you’re only living one life at the moment. So, you might as well position yourself in a way that lets you use your talents to their fullest extent and allows you to reap the benefits.
If you can do it right, freelancing is more rewarding in all ways.
To Sum it Up…

When you step back and look at the way work is done today, it’s not hard to see that a successful freelancer has better job security and a better ROI than an equally successful employee.

Five Actions to Efficient Keyword and key phrase Research

There’s no getting around it. General industry trends is a crucial aspect of your seo technique. If your website is concentrating on the wrong look for phrases and conditions, the look for engines and your clients may never find out you, resulting in lost cash and ineffective roles. By concentrating on the wrong look for phrases and conditions, you not only put useful advertising cash at risk, you are also spending all the execute you put into getting your website to position for those circumstances to start with. If you want to remain aggressive, you can’t handle to do that.

The keyword and key phrase and key phrase research process can be divided up into the following phases:

0 – Ruining Misconceptions
1 – Creating the history and confirming it twice
2 – Befriending the keyword and key phrase and key phrase research tool
3 – Finishing your list
4 – Strategy your Attack
5 – Fresh, Fresh Repeat

0 – Ruining Misconceptions

Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to execute with a comprehensive range of wonderful clients. And as different and different as their sites and the individuals running them may have been, many had one thing in common: they were self-proclaimed keyword and key phrase and key phrase research mavens right out of the gate.

Or so they thought.

One of the most common misdirected values about doing keyword and key phrase and key phrase research for a seo technique is the fact that you already know which circumstances a customer would use to find your website. You don’t. Not without first doing some research anyway. You may know what your website is about and how you, the webmaster, would find out it, but it’s complex to calculate how a buying customer would go about looking for it.

This is due to internet promoters assessing their website through too narrow of a connections, resulting in them to come up with conditions that read like industry language, not realistic look for phrases and conditions. Remember, your customer probably doesn’t execute in the same industry that you do. If they did, they wouldn’t need you. When describing your website or product, break away from industry speak. Your clients aren’t looking that way and if you center your website on these circumstances, they’ll never find out you.

Another misconception is that common or “big dollar” circumstances are the most important for roles, even if the phrase you’re going after has nothing to do with your website. Think about a women clothing store trying to position for the phrase “google”. Sure, a lot of guests probably type that phrase into their look for bar daily, but they’re not doing it looking for you. They’re looking for Google. Being ranked variety one for a phrase no one would affiliate with your website is a useless and cash (and it may get you in trouble!). Your website may see a lot of guests, but clients won’t stick around.

1 – Creating the history and confirming it twice

The initial idea of keyword and key phrase and key phrase research can be complex. Trying to come up with the perfect combination of conditions to produce clients to your website, rev up your modification quantity and allow the look for engines to see you as an expert would easily give anyone a stress disappointment.

The technique is to ease into it.

The first stage in this process is to create a history of potential look for phrases and conditions. Talk about all the conditions you think a customer would type into their look for box when trying to find you. This contains considering conditions that are comprehensive and focused, buying and research-oriented, and single and multi-word. What is your website anticipating to do or promote? Come up with enough conditions to cover all the services your website provides. Prevent far too common circumstances like ‘shoes’ or ‘clothes’. These conditions are really complex to position for and won’t produce certified guests to your website. Focus on conditions that are appropriate, but not far too used.

If you need help thinking ideas, ask friends, co-workers or past clients for help. Sometimes they are able to see your website in a different way than the way you yourself see it. Also, don’t be hesitant to do some aggressive research. What conditions are they targeting? How can you improve on their keyword and key phrase and key phrase history to create yours better? It’s okay to get a little sly here. All is reasonable in love and look for motor promotion outcomes placement roles.

2 – Socialize with the keyword and key phrase and key phrase research tool

Now that you have your history, your next stage is to determine the activity for each of your recommended look for phrases and conditions. You want to narrow your history to only include incredibly accessible, sought-after conditions that will bring the most certified guests to your website.

In the beginning of SEO, determining the “popularity” of look for phrases and conditions was done by doing a look for for that phrase in one of the various look for engines and seeing how many outcomes it led to. As imagine, this was a tedious and ineffective method of keyword and key phrase and key phrase research. Luckily, times have changes and we now have sources to do the hard factor for us.

By such as your recommended look for phrases and conditions into a keyword and key phrase and key phrase research system, you can easily learn how many clients are doing issues for that phrase every day, how many of those issues actually modified, and other important methodical information. It may also track you in to conditions you had previously ignored or solutions you weren’t aware of.

There are a whole lot sources out there to help you determine how much activity look for phrases and conditions are receiving:

Wordtracker: Wordtracker lets you look up well-known look for phrases and conditions to determine their activity and reputation among opponents. Their top 1000 review information the most frequently researched for circumstances, while their Competitors Search option provides useful information to determine the opponents of each phrase. This is very useful for knowing how complex it will be to position for a given phrase. It may also highlight fantastic discovers that have low competition-rates, but high importance.

WordStream: WordStream provides a program of keyword and key phrase and key phrase research sources for use in pay-per-click promotion and seo tasks. They also offer impressive fee based sources to help you organize look for phrases and conditions and improve your success.

Google AdWords Keyword Tool: A free system that should be factor of every person’s selection.

Google Suggest: Google Suggest is a fantastic way to find solutions and appropriate phrase suggestions that may help you improve your unique history. Just start coming into your key phrase and you’ll see a drop down history of appropriate circumstances.

Thesaurus.com: Again, another way to find solutions you may have ignored.

Keep in mind that you’re not only confirming to see if enough people are looking for a particular phrase, you’re also trying to determine how aggressive that phrase is with regards to roles.

Understanding opponents statements how much effort you will need to purchase order to position well for that phrase. There are two things to concentrate on when creating this decision: how many other sites are aggressive for the same phrase and how strong are those sites’ roles (i.e. how many other sites link to them, how many websites do they have indexed)? Generally, is that phrase or phrase even worth your time? If it’s not, move on.

While you’re analyzing your new circumstances, you may want to do a little cleaning and test the activity for look for phrases and conditions your website is already concentrating on. Keep the ones that are changing and drop the nonwinners.

3 – Finishing your list

Now that you have your initial history of conditions and have analyzed their activity, it’s a opportunity to narrow down the field and decide which circumstances will create it into your well-known final keyword and key phrase and key phrase history.

We recommend creating a worksheet or some other noticeable that will allow you to easily see each word’s modification quantity, quantity of issues and opponents quantity (as given to you by the sources described above). These three numbers will allow you to determine how realistic that phrase is for your website and will be an outstanding aid as you try and narrow down your focus.

The first stage in decreasing down your history is to go through and highlight the circumstances that most properly focus on the subject and idea of your website. These are the circumstances you want to hold on to. Eliminate all conditions that are not appropriate to your website or that you don’t have sufficient content to returning up (unless you’re willing to write some). You can’t improve for conditions that you don’t have content for.

Create a mix of both comprehensive and focused look for phrases and conditions. You’ll need both to position well. Wide circumstances are important because they describe what your website does; however, they won’t improve the level of certified guests coming into your website.

For example, say you are a company that concentrates on european footwear. It may be natural for your website to concentrate on the comprehensive look for phrases and conditions “boots” and “cowboy boots”. These conditions are important because they tell the look for engines what you do and may improve your guests, but the guests you receive will be mostly not certified. Customers will appear on your website still unclear of what type of footwear you sell. Do you offer american footwear, stiletto european footwear, child european footwear, suede european footwear or women european boots? By only concentrating on comprehensive circumstances, clients won’t know what you offer until they land on your website.

Targeted circumstances are often easier to position for and help bring certified guests. They also create you a subject expert to the look for engines, since the focused circumstances improve the idea developed with the broader conditions. Keeping our example, focused circumstances for your european footwear website may be “men’s european boots”, “blue suede european boots”, “extra-wide women european boots”, etc. Wide look for phrases and conditions may bring you the higher levels of guests, but it’s focused, buying-oriented circumstances like these that will improve variations.

4 – Strategy your attack

So you developed your history of about 10-20 incredibly focused look for phrases and conditions, now what do you do with them? You get ready them for launch!

Chances are, if you did your keyword and key phrase and key phrase research right, at least some of the conditions on your history already appear in your sites content, but some of them may not. Start considering how many websites you’ll need to create to returning up these new conditions, and how and where look for phrases and conditions will be used.

We typically recommend only going after three or four appropriate look for phrases and conditions per website (five if you can balance them properly). Any more than that and you run the possibility of irrigating down your website to the point where you position for nothing. Ensure that to normally execute the look for phrases and conditions into your content to avoid over-repetition that may be considered as junk mail. Your content should never sound forced.

Your on-page content isn’t the only position where you can position look for phrases and conditions. Keywords should also be used in several other elements on your site:

Title Tag
Meta Information Tags
Alt text
Anchor Text/ Navigational Links
You’ve spent lots of your power and power creating your keywords; create sure you use them in all the appropriate areas to get the obtain the most.

5 – Do it again, Do it again, Do it again

Congratulations. Your initial keyword and key phrase and key phrase research process is behind you. You’ve developed your history, analyzed it twice, developed friends with the keyword and key phrase and key phrase research sources and are now off to go plan your attack. You’re done, right?

Unfortunately, no. As your customer’s and your site’s needs change gradually, so will look for phrases and conditions. It’s important to keep monitoring look for phrases and conditions and create changes as necessary. Doing so will allow you to stand above opponents and keep improving.

Why Google Disavow tool Bad For SEO

Google has formally launched the new Disavow Links Tool to webmasters all over the world. It was 1st mentioned at SMX in July and Matt Cutts has now formally released the tool at PubCon.

What Is Google Disavow?

Basically, you upload a bulk of backlinks and tell Google to disregard them when it is ranking your website.

Google disavow tool

Google disavow tool

Solving A Trouble Google Created

First of all the only purpose we need the Disavow device is fix a issue that Search engines designed.
Historically Search engines just used to neglect what the criteria regarded to be a low excellent weblink. Actually during 2009 Search engines even went as far to say not to fear about low excellent hyperlinks.
Since then they have modified their thoughts on low excellent hyperlinks and instead of neglecting them like they used to, they now use them as adverse ballots against a websites position.

Negative SEO Is Created

This move in the criteria is what has permitted adverse SEO to be so effective and easy to do.
Negative SEO has triggered Search engines a massive problem as they provided SEO’s the ability to eliminate opponents companies.In less than 10 minutes and a few mouse clicks of a mouse an knowledgeable SEO can cause long-lasting wide attaining harm to essentially any site they choose.
This is what led Search engines to create the Disavow device.

Web Spam Team

Basically the Search engines Disavow device is nothing more than a glorified audience seeking venture.
Why try to recognize low excellent hyperlinks via algorithmic alerts when you can get an military of an incredible number of website owners all over the globe to do it for you?
And what better way to encourage that military than by informing them if they do all this perform it will help them?

Why It Is Bad For SEO

This is nothing more than a large snitching device clothed up as a remedy to a issue it does not actually fix.Google will be using the information it gathers from this device to fresh up the web, lower price bad hyperlinks and side out charges remaining, right & center.
The issue is there are so many SEO’s that do not really know what they are doing. They are not really sure what is incorrect or why they have being penalised.It’s these type of website owners that will head to the Disavow device in the countless numbers confirming every weblink they ever purchased or designed to Search engines even when it’s not a low excellent weblink.It could be they are experiencing an on location charge such as Panda or the latest low excellent EMD upgrade – but they actually end up confirming a lot of hyperlinks that are actually assisting them.Google will instantly have large numbers of information on what actual individuals consider to be low excellent hyperlinks – it would be innocent to think they would not take activity with that quantity of information in side.

A Real Example

Let us say you used a backlink developing support that provided good outcomes – you varied the anchor-text well and saw good activity in the SERPS, amazing.Another client of that support did the same factor but did not broaden anchor-text properly and then got a Penguin centered charge.
That client will then go and review all of the hyperlinks they got from the company as low excellent hyperlinks and to neglect them.But you also have the same ‘low quality’ hyperlinks directing at your site…
See the issue here?
It’s also likely that they would review hyperlinks they have built/ordered from other solutions during that interval as well in an make an effort to reverse the destruction placing even more website owners at danger.

Grass En Masse

The information Search engines gathers from this device only provides to harm SEO’s.
You might discover some of your most effective inbound links have being reduced because someone else has wrongly revealed them as low excellent.You only have to invest 5 moments on DigitalPoint to realize how terrifying providing other individuals that type of energy actually is. Didn’t Search engines understand anything from the adverse SEO clutter they created?

Does It Fix The Problem?

The whole factor of the Disavow Tool is to help prevent Negative SEO strikes etc
But does it actually fix the problem?
The answer is NO

Genuine sites entrepreneurs now have the included liability of tracking and washing up their weblink information – something that used to be done at the criteria stage.The Disavow device will not secure individuals against charges – most website entrepreneurs do not predict a charge and are only conscious of issues when they are penalised.By that factor it’s too delayed, the website has already tanked out of the positions and the destruction is done.
You then have to invest the next few several weeks washing factors up, often due to no mistake of your own.So does the device prevent adverse SEO attacks? Not even a little bit – all it does is help in washing up the consequences of an strike.

Meals For Thought

I can create millions of low quality link per day at the click of a button – Do you think a webmaster with the Disavow tool could keep up with that volume?
I doubt it.They would have to spend all day every day going through the links and by the time they’ve done that…. I’ve built a million more while I was asleep.

So what is the point?

Reading Between The Lines

What all of this actually informs me is that Search engines are having difficulties maintaining up with contemporary weblink junk.It has got to the point now where some backlink developing techniques are so innovative that Search engines just cannot recognize the junk via an criteria any longer and need to audience resource the development and recognition of weblink junk.It’s interesting because Search engines put a lot of attempt into worry mongering and declaring their methods are more innovative than they actually are.Then in the next breathing they fall their trousers & trend the white-colored banner by launching the Disavow device.

Credit rating Where It Is Due

Search engines designed this device to fix a issue they designed that they cannot fix algorithmically. They clearly absence the capability to recognize and lower price ‘low quality’ hyperlinks at the criteria stage so have clothed up the disavow device in a way that enslaves an military of unknowing low herbage.Credit where it is due! That is an excellent item of promotion right there, there is one issue though…

The New Era of Negative SEO

What provides extra humorous value is that you can use Disavow device – you know the one to prevent adverse SEO strikes, to release adverse SEO strikes against your opponents.What happens if a website gets several reviews against it via the Disavow tool? Does Search engines restrict that websites authority? What exactly is avoiding me from signing several problems against the same site?It would not be that challenging to do.You could use trackback junk to get your weblink onto the rival’s website and then review it as a low excellent weblink.Do that 100 periods with 100 different website owner device records & websites and you are laughing! Besides I could even improve the whole procedure end to end with a sequence of web 2.0 websites, Scrapebox and Webmaster Resources records.Not that the Disavow device even defends against the preliminary strike anyway, you can still take a website out with adverse SEO just as quickly now as you could before.Now we just have another device in the adverse SEO collection, thanks Google!
Welcome to the new era of Negative SEO.

Don’t follow them

So in conclusion, do not be a mong by using the Disavow device.
Leave the monging to Search engines, they are doing a amazing job at that on their own.

What is Tiered Link building

Tiered back-linking is nothing new – SEO fans have been using tiered techniques for years now. Lately search engines have become essential of sites with “spammy” backlinks guiding at them – what tiered linking does is it locations a hurdle between your money website, and those trash backlinks. You can still get the advantages of having them – without actually having them guiding directly to your website.

Popular tiering methods

There are a lot of different ways in which you can acquire backlinks to your website – material distribution sites and sites are often seen as some of the most “whitehat” backlinks you can get (providing you do not trash them). Having these backlinks guiding at your website will hardly ever do you any harm, so you can develop a few material record backlinks and maybe some weblog page backlinks – you have then recognized your first stage.

Some people like to do large tiered back-link techniques with many levels – usually however most people adhere to doing just two or three levels. It’s simpler to do, smaller interval extensive, and provides in amazing outcomes.

Your first tier

Your first stage, as described before, should include only techniques that search engines like. Blog techniques, material distribution sites, information release sites – that kind of thing. The material on the first stage should be very well crafted, and hand unique (or just absolutely unique). Keep in mind these features will all weblink to your money website – they need to be good.

The second tier

Once you have set up the first stage, you can think about developing second stage. Some people like to increase their first stage with community most favorite and group details – while others like to add more material record backlinks and sites – it’s absolutely up to you. If you are using material distribution sites as a second stage you can usually get away with using original material – just make sure it’s unique so it gets detailed, and do not be affected to weblink to your money website. If you have ten sites in your first stage, you should aim to have one number of sites (or more) in your second stage.

The third tier

In the third stage you can use backlinks from Web 2.0 details, group details, or even community most favorite. Hyperlinks in the third stage point to your second stage (and sometimes first tier) pages/articles.

Don’t ignore to known as called ping & post for indexing!

If you are investing a lot of your power and power on linkbuilding be sure to known as called ping your backlinks then run them through an indexer. Some people select not to do this step, in order to let Google find the backlinks of its own adjust. While this is OK for some people, those publishing material that is not absolutely unique will find that the only way to get most of the backlinks detailed is to use an record system.

Tiered back-linking is a great way to implement the power of a lot of backlinks, without placing your website in chance of being sandboxed.